

OneNode DB offers a unique Query operation that allows you to retrieve documents based on their semantic meanings. This operation leverages EmbJSON data types (such as EmbText or EmbImage) to perform semantic searches that are not supported by MongoDB.

How the Query Operation Works

The query operation embeds the query text automatically and searches for the closest semantic matches within the EmbJSON fields of stored documents. This makes it possible to retrieve documents based on meaning rather than just strict keyword matches.

Rules for the Query Operation

  • EmbJSON-only: The query operation can only be applied to EmbJSON data types (e.g., EmbText, EmbImage). For more information on how EmbJSON works, refer to the EmbJSON documentation.
  • Automatic Text Embedding: The query text is embedded automatically and matched against stored EmbJSON fields. The closest semantic "chunks" are returned based on their meaning.
  • Model Selection: Both the query operation and EmbJSON fields allow you to specify an embedding model by setting the model parameter. The semantic search is applied only to the EmbJSON fields that use the same embedding model as the one specified in the query.
  • Top-k Matches: You can use the top_k parameter (optional) to limit the number of returned chunks, which are sorted by semantic meaning closeness.

Parameters for Query Operations

  • query: The text that will be embedded and matched against the stored EmbJSON fields.
  • model: The embedding model to use for the query. This model must match the one used in the EmbJSON fields for semantic search to apply. For a list of supported models, refer to the Supported Embedding Models.
  • top_k (optional): The number of top chunks (semantic matches) to return.

query Operation

The query operation retrieves documents based on the closest semantic match to the provided query text. The response contains a list of matched chunks in order of semantic similarity.


To perform a query, use the following endpoint:


Where {collection_url} is the full collection URL that includes your db_id and collection_name.

Example Python Code for query

Here’s how you can perform a semantic query using Python:

import os
import requests
# API Key and Collection URL
collection_url = ""
# Query URL
url = f"{collection_url}/query"
# Query parameters
query_text = "AI technology advancements"
model = "gpt-4o-mini"
top_k = 3
# Request body
data = {
    "query": query_text,
    "model": model,
    "top_k": top_k
# Headers with API Key
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {ONENODE_API_KEY}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
# Sending the request
response =, json=data, headers=headers)
# Print the response

query Response

A successful query operation will return a JSON response containing the top matched chunks in order of semantic similarity:

  "status": "success",
  "chunks": [
      "text": "The rapid development of AI technology has transformed industries across the globe.",
      "score": 0.95
      "text": "AI advancements continue to push boundaries in healthcare, robotics, and more.",
      "score": 0.89
      "text": "Technological innovations in AI have led to breakthroughs in machine learning models.",
      "score": 0.87

Optional Parameters

  • top_k: Limits the number of matched chunks returned. If not specified, all matched chunks are returned, sorted by their semantic similarity.

Important Notes

  • EmbJSON-only: The query operation only works on EmbJSON fields. For more information about working with EmbJSON, refer to the EmbJSON documentation.
  • Automatic Embedding: The query text is automatically embedded using the specified model and matched against stored EmbJSON embeddings.
  • Model: You must specify the same model in the query that was used to generate the embeddings in the stored documents for accurate semantic matching. For a list of available models, refer to the Supported Embedding Models.
  • top_k: Use top_k to limit the number of returned matches, ordered by semantic similarity.